Heatwave Habits

Posted on June 19, 2024


It’s day three of hot & humid AF in SE Lower Michigan.

“It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity!” we say.

BUT with temps in the 90s; I’ve got to say, IT IS THE HEAT!

I’ve shared some of my heatwave habits with folks nearby, to feedback like, “That’s a good idea,” so I thought I’d share here in hopes that they might help someone who must handle a heatwave.

10. (If you can) Stay Home.

9. If you must travel, try to do it before 8 a.m. and/or after 4 p.m.

8. If you must work outdoors, try to do it before 8 a.m. and/or after 4 p.m.

7. Cook as little as possible; avoid using the oven. I make boiled eggs, potato salad, kidney bean salad, black bean salad, fruit salad, cold tea, and “fake ice cream” to have on hand during a heatwave. When temps are high, my appetite is low, but I like to have a few tasty foods on hand for when hunger appears.

6. Fill the fridge with containers of water and cold tea. HYDRATE. Avoid beverages that contain sugar and/or alcohol.

5. Fill a kiddy/pet pool with water & enjoy an occasional, cooling foot soak. A low, folding beach chair is the perfect height to sit beside (or inside) the pool and soak your feet.

4. Add a layer to window coverings, and/or close blinds, etc. to decrease light & temperature indoors.

3. Keep exertion low; avoid strain when working or exercising. Slow down. Do less. Take more breaks.

2. Keep a spray bottle of water on hand; give yourself a spritz often. Wet a bandana or scarf and tie it around your head and/or neck.

1. Go to The Lake for Sunrise and/or Sunset.

My house has central AC, but in my mind, it’s “for company.” For myself, I keep the house cool by covering windows and keeping everything shut. The basement feels cool enough that I put a throw over my legs when I’m down there for a while, so it’s a great place to sleep in this heat. It’s always cool down there for free.

My sinuses struggle with “conditioned air,” and I don’t want to use the energy or incur the cost, so I’ve made the basement a good place to be when hiding from solar death rays.

The one cost that does increase during the heatwave is from water use, because the Plant People in The Garden of Eddy need it. I DO try to do planting and transplanting when there is Free Water, AKA Rain, but right now, I have seeds, seedlings, and young, vulnerable plants to keep alive. Sometimes we get a rain storm a short while after I finish watering, but that’s how Water Cycle flows sometimes, and I’m always grateful for rain. I hope it will feed all those who live here, and that they’ll bring forth a good harvest of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, squash, cukes, and flowers, flowers, flowers!

I heard thunder rumble in the distance earlier, and my hopes rose, but so far, no rain yet. Still, I’m hopeful.

lisa eddy (she/her) is a writer, outdoor educator, and musician. 

Email: lisagay.eddy1@gmail.com

Link to lisa’s FREE online book: Write Outside: Investigations of the Living Land