Rattled By Renovations

Posted on May 29, 2024


Hello, Reader!

I apologize for the unexplained absence of several weeks after I’d said I’d post on Wednesdays.

I have been unable to write due to complete exhaustion from overstimulation!

After a ten-month(!) relationship with a contractor who would do a small bit of a big job then vanish, he finally came through with a crew and replaced 15 windows and 3 doors. After two and a half weeks of brain-rattling noise, dust, and mishaps, the workers loaded up the construction trailer, gave me hugs, and rolled out yesterday evening.

One storm door remains to be delivered and installed; a few minor issues remain on the punch list, but this morning I am alone in my now VERY quiet home, NOT waiting for workers to arrive, NOT bracing for hours of drilling into brick, NOT rearranging furniture and covering my belongings with sheets, NOT feeling sorry for Bernie the Dog, who has been quivering in fear in the basement for most of the last two weeks. It feels wonderful!

The new windows and doors are pure delight! They let in much more light and air; they keep out much more heat & sound; they’re FULLY functional; none have broken and taped panes; none need special instructions to operate; they’re a dream come true!

Along with being overstimulated by a crew of sometimes five men drilling and pounding for several hours each day, I am also physically worn down. I worked with the crew during the first several days during the tear-out phase, because I wanted to speed the process and save money. Each day I got up and spent the hour before they arrived rearranging rooms, covering belongings, and laying down floor protection, then I worked all day, standing under ladders where workers were tearing out windows and carrying them away, and cleaning up to prepare for installation. Each day after they left, I spent an hour or so cleaning the house & yard.

Once the work of installation began, I had a battle ahead of me: the garden hadn’t been weeded at all for a week, and we’d had rain. Worst of all, the next-door neighbor has a huge “garden” of weeds and invasive plants, and she’s letting Poison Ivy go crazy, so I’m finding it sprouting all over my property. I got busy, and I’ve worked for several hours every morning to catch up on weeding–as well as get my food plants into the garden.

I “caught up” yesterday. Order has been restored in The Garden of Eddy, and I can now return to my normal, daily weeding routine without facing a complete jungle. I’ve been planting potatoes every couple of weeks, three or four times now, and they are looking great. I’ve planted the tomatoes, herbs, tall Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Parsley, Butternut Squash, Kale, Jalapenos, and Sweet Peppers I bought from Needle-Lane Farm, and all that remains to plant are flower seeds.

The Garden of Eddy from the new, upstairs window.

It’s a cool, rainy morning, and I’m just enjoying Stillness.

And the peace of mind that comes from knowing that my home is now, once again, weather-proof.

If the rain moves out of the area, I might plant some seeds today.

Be well, friend. Thanks for reading.

lisa eddy (she/her) is a writer, outdoor educator, and musician. 

Listen to a playlist of lisa’s band, Trio BLT, (with Brian Lewis on Bass and Tony Emery on guitar & vocals) songs here.

Email: lisagay.eddy1@gmail.com

Link to lisa’s FREE online book: Write Outside: Investigations of the Living Land